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Market Intelligence

One of the most important aspects impacting an organization’s ability to stay ahead of the market is to have a comprehensive understanding of its competitors, the state of its industry, and the changing consumer landscape as a whole. With this information, marketers can evaluate their tactics and optimize future campaigns based on their own insights as well as those from across the entire industry. 

Let’s take a deeper look at what exactly marketing intelligence is and why marketers can’t afford to let it fall through the cracks:

Why is Marketing Intelligence Important?

Marketing intelligence is data that is relevant to the marketing efforts of an organization. Once collected,that data can be analyzed to accurately and efficiently guide the decision-making process of campaigns. While marketing intelligence is used to assist a number of different marketing goals, at a high level, it’s used to inform decisions regarding competitors, products and consumer trends or behaviors..

Aliquam laoreet sMarketing intelligence should act as the guiding light for your teams’ decisions. By collecting and analyzing contextual data about customer and industry trends and behaviors, marketers can gain a holistic understanding about what is and isn’t working. This can give businesses an important advantage over competitors, educate them about their target audience, and evaluate insights into their various products..

Consider determining the KPIs of your marketing intelligence that will help illustrate whether or not your efforts are progressing toward your defined goals:

Marketing intelligence can also be applied to future goal setting. Setting clear goals beforehand can go a long way toward boosting the efficiency and scope of your marketing intelligence efforts. Moreover, clearly defining the role you want this information to play makes it easier to identify the right data to pull across the me

Quantitative KPIs

These KPIs are the easiest to determine, as they can be directly measured. They analyze items such as total revenue from your competitors or number of products sold..

Qualitative KPIs

Although these are more difficult to measure, qualitative KPIs provide teams with a more cohesive view of marketing and business strategies. Here, marketers can leverage indicators like customer surveys, quizzes, assessments and comment forums.

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